Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions? We have Answers!
With the national average D/L speed of 25Mbps, you won't be left in the dark waiting for something to buffer. Our speed ranges from 15-250Mbps! Most customers are reporting averages of 40-75Mbps.
If the plan you initially choose does not connect or is slower than expected, this most likely means a lack of LTE coverage/reception at your location. Regardless of the reason, our 14-Day No Risk Return Policy has you completely covered. Simply return your device for a 100% refund.
No, we are unable to offer the ability to deactivate your service.
The network carriers analytics start to monitor more closely each user who uses over 800GB per/month and after 1TB of usage its possible for the carrier to terminate the service without notice or refund. The average household in America uses 391GB of data per/month and when a user exceeds 800-1TB of usage the cellular ISP provider considers this excessive usage.
We will work diligently to assist with any problems should they arise. A significant portion of customers come from your referrals and we aim to keep it that way. We're here for you!
UNLIMITED does not mean unlimited data at unlimited speeds. Nor does it include super-heavy usage (uploading/downloading large games, or large files in a short period). These plans typically provide reasonable amount of data usage in a steady, moderate usage pattern. The average family household in the USA uses 391GB per/month with an reported average of 14.7 connected devices in 2021.
A solution to large file downloads would be to break down the download request over a 12-24 hour period.Use data wisely and treat it like a utility. Moderate, steady usage is best.If your streaming tv, turn it off when your not watching it.Purchase a secondary plan to divide your usage between two plans.
Yes, and no. It's not targeted, or triggered based on your usage alone. The Fair Usage Policy or FUP is practiced by ISPs worldwide whereby it allows ISPs to reduce your internet speeds on unlimited plans so as to prevent misuse, or excessive use of bandwidth normally provided. ISPs will also reduce available bandwidth to its consumers during peak times, or noticeably high network congestion. This discretionary method assures all the consumers on the network will be afforded a smaller portion of the bandwidth to work with until the congestion resides. ISPs often implement these tools if a network user is abusing the network with excessive load requests. However, most of the time its temporary for most users and the service will resume back to where it was before the interruption of speed/quality.
No Contract! The plans we provide require no contract, and no credit checks! Yes, these are month to month plans! Keep the service for as many months or years as you’d like. Each payment prepays your next month of service. If you decide to cancel service, the device is yours to keep. Additionally, our 14 Day Money Back Guarantee for new customers allows you to try our service at No Risk! If the service does not meet your needs in any way, simply return the device for a complete full refund. Our mission is simple, we offer a product we stand behind. We ourselves have encountered contracts & commitments while the service lacked to perform as anticipated.
Yes, just remember the signal and quality of service is as only good as the ability of connection to nearby cellular towers(USA only).Think of your router like your cellphone where you have coverage most of the time, but not all the time.That being said, we offer many DIY products that would enhance the ability to receive a better signal and improve the quality of service at our parent store listed below.IRON CLAD IT ~ We make technology accessible!
Our router will allow you to connect up to 40 of your WiFi enabled devices.Smart TV’s, tablet’s, laptops, Xbox/Playstation, security cameras, and even your smartphone can connect via Wifi. With our router you can connect up to 4 devices with an ethernet cable.If at anytime you think you would need more, you can always call, email us, or visit our DIY parent store listed below.IRON CLAD IT ~ We make technology accessible!
Your payment will be auto drafted from the account method you signed up with. This will occur on a monthly cycle from the date you signed up for service. If you wish to change the method of payment (i.e. from VISA to Paypal etc...) please use our contact us form found on the website.
Yes, we offer the sim card plan by itself!But it's possible their could be limitations based on your existing equipment.We ask that you use the CONTACT US form found on our website before ordered just the sim card to verify device compatibility.We also have a parent store with custom-tailered equipment for a more hands-on DIY approach listed below.IRON CLAD IT ~ We make technology accessible!
Due to our service method of being prepaid, we will be forced to suspend or terminate your account if payment isn’t completed on your recurring service date. Your recurring service payment will always be 30/31 days after the day you signed up. There is a $35.00 reactivation fee if your service becomes suspended.
Not at all! We make this part extremely easy for your convenience. Simply turn it on and go! We personally inspect each device before it ships to ensure it functions properly.
You do need to be the legal age of consent. If you are under 18 then a parent will need to hold the account in their name.
Yes! As mentioned, we'll work out the details depending on how many devices you need. Simply send a message through out CONTACT form and one of our team associate's will be in contact with you directly.
YES! We have a multitude of business and residential customers doing just that! Ever since the COVID pandemic started we saw an increase of device purchases from customers who transitioned to a home office and needed reliable INTERNET connection at home in addition to their existing ISP.